About the show
Lyrics to Go is a show about bad song lyrics. Listen in as music geeks Marc Davis, Seth Ford and guests discuss songs with terrible, misunderstood or confusing lyrics.
32 - Escape (The Pina Colada Song)
July 23rd, 2021 | 45 mins 38 secs
brain, cape, dunes, escape, lady, pina coladas, rain, shitty guitar solos, tomorrow noon, yoga
Pull up a beach chair, some personal ads, and a fruity drink! Seth and Marc bring to light the true story behind the sing along that probably caused the Jonestown Massacre. We learn that Rupert Holmes doesn't know how personal ads (or marriages) work and what really happens to the famous couple.
31 - As Good As I Once Was
July 15th, 2021 | 38 mins 2 secs
as good as i once was, as good once as i ever was, color of money, excessive commas, keith, threesomes, toby, toby keith
Break out your Stetson and some Wranglers and bind and gag Toby Keith! Marc and Seth tackle a real Southern anthem to incestuous threesomes and bailing your buddy out of shitty situations he chose to get himself into.... all tied together by one of the clunkiest attempts at a tagline ever. Fun!
30 - Butterfly
July 8th, 2021 | 1 hr 2 mins
baby, butterflies, butterfly, crazy town, crazytown, shaky legs, sugar
A supersized episode for a supersized piece of shit song! Marc and Seth recruit real Crazy Town professional Elyse in to help figure out what the fuck this song is. About as romantic as school bus crash, Shifty Shellshock and Epic Mazur pen this shitty poetry to some very unlucky women who would probably rather their eyes eaten out by rats.
29 - By The Way
July 2nd, 2021 | 48 mins 1 sec
2 syllable words, blood bath, by the way, card shark, chili, hot, peppers, red, red hot chili peppers, rhcp, rib cage
After putting it off as long as they could, Marc and Seth finally take on the task of trying to decipher some of Anthony Kiedis' inane lyrics... and this one is a humdinger. Filled with placeholder two-syllable nonsense and shitty lines that are held together by duct tape, this song is too good for the words inside of it.
28 - Seventeen
June 25th, 2021 | 40 mins 43 secs
17, creep factor, daddy, jailbait, questionable content, seventeen, winger
Marc and Seth take on Kip, Reb and Co. while breaking down the song Seventeen by Winger. Not only is this song gross, but it also has a Tenet-esque timeline where we're seemingly jumping through portals. Who would've guessed a guy named Kip would be an unreliable narrator?
27 - Cocaine
June 18th, 2021 | 47 mins 52 secs
alcohol, clapton, cocaine, eric, eric clapton, heroin, jj cale, slow hand, slowhand
Seth and Marc invite old friend and Cocaine Specialist John Cappozzo over to discuss the "anti-drug" song Cocaine. Originally written by JJ Cale and made famous by Cocaine Specialist Eric Clapton, this song has the rhyming scheme of a 3rd graders' poetry and sounds like cocaine is pretty handy... especially for an "anti-drug" song.
26 - Pardon Me
June 11th, 2021 | 36 mins
3-d, calamity, combustication, combustion, incubus, pardon me, spontaneous, succubus
Seth and Marc listen to Brandon Boyd and Co. make a mountain out of a molehill. Make no mistake about it... 23 was a rough age for the singer-cum-sex icon. But so bad that he was on the verge of exploding? We hardly think so.
25 - Funky Cold Medina
June 4th, 2021 | 39 mins 58 secs
ace ventura, bestiality, date rape, drugging, fuzzy navel, loc, tone, tone loc, transphobia
Seth and Marc put on some thick gold chains and bust it b-boy style with one of the strangest pro-date/pro-bestiality/pro-transphobic songs of all time. Every verse gets stranger culminating in what finally makes him hang up his concoction... the threat of marriage!
24 - Africa
May 28th, 2021 | 39 mins 27 secs
80's drums, africa, national geographic, olympus, serengeti, toto
Seth and Marc do that cool thing where someone clears off the table with a big swipe and unfurl a large map of the Motherland Of Humanity: Africa! Unfortunately, it was written by some dorky white musical prodigies who only knew the continent from Nat Geo and commercials. A failed love plot briefly mentioned, "mystical lyrics" by way of bad poetry, and geographical errors. We're here for it.
23 - Tonight's The Night (Gonna Be Alright)
May 21st, 2021 | 44 mins 52 secs
coercion, mk ultra, power struggles, rod, rod stewart, sex slave, stewart, the rod, tonight's the night
22 - Take A Chance On Me
May 14th, 2021 | 35 mins 45 secs
abba, forced love, love with air quotes around it, marrying your stalker, stalkers, stalking, take a chance on me
Seth and Marc take a swan dive into the pathetic and increasingly rabid lyrics of Take A Chance On Me. Even the beautiful members of ABBA are sometimes on the non-receiving end of unrequited love and according to these words, they don't deal with it very well. It starts of sad and quickly gets pretty creepy.
21 - Girl Watcher
May 7th, 2021 | 30 mins 21 secs
creeps, girl watching, girls, mmm mmm mmm, my my my, peeping toms, stalking, voyeurism, watching
Seth and Marc are hopping into the Creep Delorean with Nice Guy's owner Greg Gebhard and saved a seat for you! Take a trip in the wayyyyyback machine... back to a time where a man could openly write a song about stalking women and probably jerking off in some nicely trimmed hedges. This song gets worse and worse as it goes on which is a special kind of hell and leaves you wondering where the story goes.
20 - Little Things
April 30th, 2021 | 28 mins 46 secs
bush, little, little things, meth, ravioli, things, wolves
It's Bush 2: Electric Bugaloo! Seth and Marc listen to some more this-or-that bullshit from Mr. Rossdale from a song that is allegedly about "feeling encumbered by life and overtaken by life and dwarfed by life" but also be about sweet, sweet methamphetamine. I KEELL!
19 - Glycerine
April 23rd, 2021 | 37 mins 42 secs
bad lyrics, bad poetry, bush, glycerine, nirvana knockoffs, opposites
Sometimes I'm Marc, sometimes you're Seth. Now I'm talking, always I'm silent. Bush sucks, Bush isn't good. Listen to Seth and Marc marvel at the tangled web of dichotomies that Gavin Rossdale weaves together like some kind of 7th grade spider.
18 - Sugar, We're Going Down
April 16th, 2021 | 28 mins 39 secs
boy, creep, creepy, fall, fall out boy, out, spy kinks, sugar, voyeurism, we're going down
Seth and Marc hide out in the closet with Pete Wentz & Co. for the whiny rock anthem of the Aughts. Clumsy metaphors are abound in this wannabe-gotcha "emo" song that is unfortunately too catchy than it has any right to be.
17 - Summer Girls
April 9th, 2021 | 52 mins 22 secs
band death, funkie, girls, lfo, lyte, mmer girls, ones, pro-choice, summer
Seth and Marc peel back a few layers of the lyrical onion that is the 1999 feel-good(?) summer hit aptly titled Summer Girls. Filled to the brim with "inside jokes" and non-sequiturs like a glass full of lemonade on a hot July day... except lemonade is good and this song sucks.